Sunday, September 28, 2008

How to cure acne caused by prednisone

« ...• True acne vulgaris may be caused due to pregnancy and polycystic ovary syndrome. Now, you can't do much about that, so bear the acne with a smile....
...Another reason why antibiotics will not work for long term is because when it is prescribed overtime; bacteria will build up resistance against it. Thus, using oral antibiotics as a long-term acne treatment sounds illogical. ...»
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«...Most people look for a fast way of curing their acne and are desperate to get a cure as quickly as possible. So, they believe that all the commercialised treatments will do the trick, but let me tell you they don't. They're expensive to purchase and when you get them home they sometimes make your skin worse from all the chemicals that are used to make them....»
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tags: is merle norman acne skin care safe, cystic acne that affects oral tissues, remove redness from acne

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